
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kaspersky Key Exploit 0.532

You can change any of the basic parameters of the key - the creation date, expiration date, time work, the number of licenses, etc., keygen generated on the basis of previous data
and is unique for each machine. This means that the key never gets in blacklist and will work until it is necessary to you. All settings are stored in *. ini file.

1. If the "Kaspersky" is not running, run;
2. Go to options and turn off "self-defense";
3. Delete all active and reserve keys;
4. Disable "Kaspersky" through "Trey-> Exit";
5. Copy the "*. dll" and "*. ini" files from your virus scanner folder, the Related
in a folder with Kaspersky (Do not confuse the folder)
Appropriate folder is "KISKAV.11 (2011)" and "KISKAV.7.8 (2009) .9 (2010). WKS.FS";
6. Run "Kaspersky" and set any key for the product;
7. Include in the options "self-defense."

Manually edit the parameters:
1. If the "Kaspersky" is not running, run;
2. Go to options and turn off "self-defense";
3. Delete all active and reserve keys;
4. Disable "Kaspersky" through "Trey-> Exit";
5. Edit the file "clldr.ini / fltlib.ini" in the folder "Kaspersky" with any text editor;
6. Run "Kaspersky" and set any key for the product;
7. Include in the options "self-defense."

- 2010 version of antivirus (possibly including pure) ranging from 25 avgustra 2010
contains each of the updates orginialny clldr.dll to remove the exploit, because
this exploit is used in this method of removing the lock. In turn, Kaspersky
after the update shows that "not updated all components" for access to clldr.dll no, no
be afraid of the message, all that should be updated vseravno.
- In setting the ini file, initially it is better not to climb, many options are very limited, to
example if the year end will be greater than 2020, then begin glitches etc
- I really do not advise you to change anything in the readme, the confusion no one needs.

Adding exploit the exceptions:

As expected, the exploit almost immediately gets into the database as Kaspersky Hacktool.Kiser .*
in this regard need to add it to the exceptions.
Add should not haphazardly, but solely on the threat type and for all components

If nothing happens:
- Can use nepodderzhivemaya version of KIS / KAV
- On the Vista / Seven disable DEP and UAC, then try again

License Agreement:
The author is not liable for the actions of the program, use at your own
risk. The program was made only for developers KIS / KAV and testers to show
Bugs in the protection of the license if you are not one of them - to use the program
strictly prohibited. Using for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Supported by KIS / KAV 7, 8 (2009), 9 (2010), 11 (2011), WKS / FS latest versions.
More detailed information in the form of the supported versions lic.ppl/lic60.ppl:

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